1. The Demo Machine : a back-office for creating personalized demos for Odigo

The demo machine is here to help sales & pre-sales teams create their own personalized demos of the Odigo product. The tool is internationalized and integrated with Salesforce and several other partners of ours like Dimelo, DoYouDreamUp or Eptica.

Here is an example of a personalized demo that can be created with the tool :

Demo Machine

The Admin panel for creating demos has been developed with the PHP Symfony 2 framework and provides an easy way to generate a personalized project with the tools of your choice.

2. Mini CRM for the Odigo console with the Dimelo API

When logged as an agent and receiving a call from a known client, the customer contact pops up with all the details and the multichannel conversation history, including Odigo Voice, social media, Email and mobile conversations.

Dimelo CRM

This really shows how a coherent approach to multichannel customer interactions can be completeley integrated to the Odigo console AND the client's tools.

3. Speech-to-text prototype within an Odigo Console

Near-live transcription of a conversation between an agent and his customer can prove to be a determining asset for transforming unstructured Data onto Structured Data ready for further analysis (Quality monitoring, Sales follow-up, Emotion detection...)

Speech to text

Thanks to @Phong, @Shanand, @Bernard and @Remi, the service allows to launch a call and have a faithful transcription of the conversation displayed on a web page.

4. OCR : Optical Character Recognition in pictures

Pages Jaunes addresses a market of small business. Their need is to provide a way for customers to easily update their opening hours info on the website.


We developed a single page using a free OCR API to allow Pages Jaunes’ customers to upload an image of their opening hours , and the OCR technology seamlessly converts the characters in the image into ready-to-use text.

Thanks for your attention !

MIH team

